Murmurs in Your Bones

The tub faucet’s dripping
And I’m feeling wild
Out here in weird places with strangers
It’s deviant and lives up to it’s name
The fridge is clicking
A quick gaited metronome
Racing like the beating jackhammer
Of my heart

In the odd and even divergent places
Where I am, caught in spirals
Looking to the world for all its answers
In one solitary night
Under the ominous stars
The door is paper thin and the voices leak in
From within and without, shouting
Music loud in humping cars
Lurched against the curb
I’m feeling wild and going against
The marrow in my bones
And I know it
The tub faucet drips and it tells me
The fridge clicks and it tells me
The vents go on and off and on again
It’s never just right in this place
And how could it be
Living on the fringe
Looking for it all to happen

Yes! I said and meant it
A glimpse of the world’s problem
Seen through another’s eyes
Worked through another’s voice
Kneaded like clay in the palm
Of the brain, and it is
And Yes! There’s a peek at it
The answer, the question
Either one—it’s all here and happening
And the faucet on the tub keeps on dripping
And my heart keeps on sliding all around
And my bones run to the hills
But I’m arrested

Foolish and smeared all around
I want to hear it, watch it happen
See someone scrape the words
And sounds off the story wall
One that I’ve not believed before
But it’s rough and all disjointed
It’s strange and nonsensical

Just fix the faucet that drips and drops
And unplug the fridge
And turn off the heater
So it’s quiet and stays idle for once
And follow your bones, running and running

But I don’t
I listen and it all happens right before me

And I live to ruminate in it
And I’m brittle and stumped
And the faucet keeps on dripping

Feature photo by Dylan Fout on Unsplash


Time Happens Twice a Day


Wear Your Mask, Unless You're Actively Smoking